April Fools’ Day Reminder of Foolish Mistakes

Blog, Real Estate Tips
In a survey conducted by Harris Interactive released to coincide with April Fools’ Day, buying a house made a national list of the most foolish mistakes American adults feel they have made. 4 percent of the 2,216 adults participating in the survey said buying a house was a foolish financial mistake. Nearly half of U.S. adults said they have made a foolish financial mistake they wish they could undo, according to the national survey. 4 percent of the 2,216 adults participating in the survey said buying a house was a foolish financial mistake. Financial slipups are bound to happen, it’s important for consumers to be well-educated on money matters and prevent small mishaps from affecting their long-term financial health. When making the most important financial decision in your life, real estate is at the top, getting the right advise is imperative, make sure to consult a realtor. Get the advise and council necessary to make a decision you will not regret.